Flussfilmfest Berlin 2025 – Salmo & sapiens: Reflection on Rivers
Film screening and panel discussion with filmmaker Johan Granstrand.
Salmo & sapiens is a Swedish nature film about the relationship between salmon and humans, and humans and nature, from a historical, ideological and philosophical perspective. How can we survive on a planet that is increasingly losing life? Is it perhaps time to start questioning our view of ourselves as masters of all life on Earth?
Registration: https://salmosapiens.splashthat.com/
Flussfilmfest Berlin 2025 – Covenant of the Salmon People
Dam Removal and river revitalisation as cultural obligation
Film screening and panel discussion on the prospects for large scale dam removal in the Snake River, featuring “Covenant of the Salmon People” by Shane Anderson at Heinrich Boell Stiftung in Berlin-Mitte on January 15, 2025.
Kayeloni Scott, Executive Director of the Columbia/Snake River Campaign
Dave Johnson, Manager of the Department of the Fisheries Resource Management at the Nez Perce Tribe
Martin Pusch, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Inka Dewitz, Senior Programme Officer International Food Policy at Heinrich Boell Foundation (Moderator)
Film screening and panel discussion with film maker Johan Granstrand featuring his documentary “Salmo & sapiens” at Patagonia Berlin on January 23, 2025.
Alpenflusssymposium 2024, Burghausen - Alpine Rivers Symposium
Open Rivers – River Film Fest preluded Alpine Rivers Symposium in Burghausen
A film evening on dam removal and river conservation marked the beginning of the Alpine Rivers Symposium in Burghausen 2024. Participants of the symposium gathered at the Anker Cinema in the old town of Burghausen for an evening that opened with live Jazz with the Wolfgang Hanninger Quartett accompanying the presentation of letters to the Sea and to the Salzach river.
Following welcoming words by Chris Fischer (Onewater) and Gunter Strebel (City of Burghausen), representing the host organizations of the Alpine Rivers Symposium, moderator Michael Bender (Living Rivers Foundation), introduced the first sequence of short films, including “Vjosa Forever” on Europe’s first Wild River National Park and “Fluch und Segen” on flood protection at “Riedstrom” in Swabia’s Donauried. The program featured a short version of “Dam Busters” , a strong call for more dam removals and better rivers conservation in Europe.
Neža Posnjak, Network Manager for Dam Removal Europe On behalf of the World Fish Migration Foundation, stressed the importance of barrier removal for the recovery of the migratory fish population. Aging dams might also impose safety risks or increase flood risk as they hold back sediment needed to stabilize the river bed, especially under Alpine conditions.
Sigrun Lange of WWF Germany introduced two river conservation projects, “Fluss.Frei.Raum” (Room for the River) and “Gewässerperlen Plus” (River Pearls), including related dam removal activities. As a prime example for dam removal in alpine regions in Europe, WWF suggests to designate the Ammer as a river to restore to free-flowing condition under the EU Nature Restoration Law by removing an obsolete weir as well as a hydropower facility.
A short documentary on the Life Network Danube Plus portrays a river restoration project at the Danube including the restoration of floodplains and fish habitats. While hydropower clearly has severe effects on river ecosystems, hydropower plant operator Verbund commit to restoring certain freshwater ecosystem functions. Johannes Wesemann of Verbund pointed out that the hydropower plants at Salzach are already equipped with technical installations for fish migration and that continuity shall be provided from the Danube to the Engadin & “Krimmler Wasserfälle” by 2027 in line with the WFD. Another Life project, “Riverscape Lower Inn”, comprised bypass installations, restoratoin of river banks as well as barrier removals in the tributaries.
Surprise guest Christof Wandratsch, ice swimming world champion, announced his initiative to organize a free flowing Salzach swimming event in September 2025.
The short film “The Soul of the Salzach River” featured Pascal Rösler, film director and standup paddle activist, in his effort to demonstrate negative effects of barriers to the entire river landscape.
“Zauber der Isar”, the final film of the evening, documents the Isar River Concert, a recent collaboration of WWF Germany, Bavarian nature photographers and musicians from the non-profit Orchester des Wandels, the Orchestra of Change.
2nd Main RiverFilmFest shorts
2nd Main RiverFilmFest in March 2024
To bring attention to the sometimes dramatic changes in river landscapes and to inspire enthusiasm for lively rivers, a RiverFilmFest will take place for the second time in 2024 along the Main River. Not only in one city but in multiple cinemas from Bayreuth to Marktheidenfeld. This illustrates that the Main River, spanning over 500 km, connects people and is our shared responsibility. Because water means life, and rivers like the Main, with their rich natural and cultural landscapes, are important habitats for humans, animals, and plants.
The 2nd Main RiverFilmFest in 2024, supported by the European Open Rivers Program, continues with short films and river film discussions for its second edition. We are looking forward to the opening as part of the Water Month in Bayreuth (Thursday, 14 March at 16:30) on the International Day of Free-Flowing Rivers. The closing event is scheduled for Sunday, 24 March in Marktheidenfeld. An international selection of environmental and outdoor short films will be shown.
In several cinemas, there will be moderated discussions aimed at giving a regional context to the themes depicted in the films, such as dam removal, microplastics, water retention, drought, river restoration, and climate change.
The discussion participants vary at each event: For example, in Würzburg, Stefanie Schliche (LPV Rhön-Grabfeld) will talk about dam removals on the Brenz and Streu rivers. For the opening on 14. March 2024, at 16:30 in Bayreuth, we are particularly pleased to welcome director Jan Kerckhoff, as well as Professor Christian Laforsch, Professor Stefan Peiffer, and Dr. Brigit Thies from the University of Bayreuth. Sigrun Lange (WWF) will shed light on dam removal on the Pegnitz river with local stakeholders in Bayreuth and will also participate in the River-Film-Discussion in Bamberg alongside Michael Bender (Living Rivers Foundation).
The events will take place on:
Thursday, 14 March at 16:30 at franz & gloria – Bayreuth
Friday, 15 March at 19:00 at Neuen Filmbühne – Lichtenfels
Saturday, 16 March at 18:00 at Central im Bürgerbräu – Würzburg
Sunday, 17 March at 11:00 at Odeon/Lichtspiel – Bamberg
Sunday, 17 March at 13:00 at Capitol Kino – Zeil a. Main
Wednesday, 20 March at 19:00 at Film-Photo-Ton Museum Huttenschloss – Gemünden a. Main
Sunday, 24 March in the afternoon at Movie im Luitpoldhaus – Marktheidenfeld
Let's celebrate free rivers, clean water and freshwater life!
Additional information on the films and speakers here.
ONTO MICROPLASTIC - THE HUNTERS OF THESE INVISIBLE PARTICLES (2022, 33 min.) Microplastics are in the air, in the soil, in the water. Where does it come from, and more importantly, how dangerous is it for us and our environment? What solutions are there? Directors Karsten Schwanke and Peter Prestel accompany the team from the Microplastics Collaborative Research Center with Professors Christian Laforsch and Seema Agarwal in their research. (ARTE/WDR) Exclusively shown on Thursday, 14 March at franz & gloria in Bayreuth.
BAVARIAN STREAMS ARE SUFFOCATING (2022, 29 min.) Streams and forest springs are losing water, becoming silted and sand-filled. In many places, streams are essentially suffocating because the water is becoming increasingly depleted of oxygen. A team of scientists from the universities of Bayreuth and Erlangen-Nürnberg, as well as the Technical University of Munich, is sounding the alarm. (BR) Shown at all Riverfilmfest cinemas. Director Jan Kerckhoff will join the River Film Discussion in Bayreuth on 14 March.
RIVER by Jennifer Peedom (2021, 75 min.) is a musical and cinematic experience. It takes the viewer on a journey through space and time. The film spans six continents, utilizing extraordinary contemporary cinematography, including satellite imagery, and showcases rivers on a scale and from perspectives never seen before. Exclusively shown on Sunday, 17 March at Odeon/Lichtspiel in Bamberg.
ADVENTURELAND (2023, 87 min.) Christo Foerster embarks on an equally unconventional and sustainable journey through his homeland, from the Zugspitze to Sylt, by board and on foot. After a strenuous descent from the Zugspitze, he discovers during the day how beautiful Germany is with its diverse river landscapes, while at night he sleeps in a hammock under the open sky. Exclusively shown on Sunday, 24 March at Movie im Luitpoldhaus in Marktheidenfeld.
DAM REMOVAL: MORE SPACE FOR AUSTRIA'S RIVERS (2023, 12 min.) The film by Marc Graf and Christine Sonvilla impressively illustrates from an unusual perspective what makes rivers alive and how dam removal can help our rivers become lifelines once again. (WWF Austria) Shown at all Riverfilmfest cinemas.
PEGNITZ BECOMES A "RIVER FREER" COMMUNITY (2023, 2.30 min.) Near the town of Pegnitz, at Hainbronn, the Pegnitz River must pass through an unused, dilapidated weir. This dam is an obstacle for local fish species such as grayling, brown trout, and chub. Therefore, the weir is now planned to be dismantled. However, the city does not have to bear the full cost of this measure. The nature conservation organization WWF is supporting the project with 30,000 €. (TV Upper Franconia) Shown at all Riverfilmfest cinemas.
WATER LOST AND RETURNED (Czech Republic, 2023, 35 min.) The film tells the story, with fantastic landscape shots, of the return of water landscapes in the Šumava National Park. It narrates the efforts of many people and demonstrates how crucial water is for landscapes, nature, and the diversity of life. (Ekofilm) Shown at all Riverfilmfest cinemas.
Film Night at the Patagonia store in Berlin
Open Rivers! Fly Fishing and Conservation
Together with the fly fishing club Fario e.V. and Patagonia, the Living Rivers Foundation invited guests to a river film evening on Thursday, November 30, 2023.
Marlene Gautier from Patagonia welcomed the guests. After two short films about dam removal from Austria and the USA, Michael Bender from the Living Rivers Foundation gave an introduction on removing obstacles for migratory fish. This was followed by two fly fishing documentaries from Italy and Brandenburg, before Fario e.V. discussed its projects for river restoration and the reintroduction of sea trout and salmon in the Priegnitz (Dosse and Stepenitz).
The evening concluded with a documentary about the Balkan fly fishing river Una.
The invitation can be found here.
Open Rivers – River Film Festivals 2023
Online River Film Evening Open Rivers – Preserving and Restoring Vibrant Waters
on Friday, November 17, 2023.
As part of the Open Rivers project, the Living Rivers Foundation organized the second part of the cross-environmental association's Water Protection Forum 2023: Natural Water Management and Nature-Based Solutions – Thinking of the Landscape from the Perspective of Water, on Friday, November 17, which – as in the previous year – had an outstanding turnout. www.gewaesserschutzforum.de
The second part of the Water Protection Forum was under the theme: Open Rivers – Preserving and Restoring Vibrant Waters. After introductory words by Michael Bender from the Living Rivers Foundation, a film by the Austrian WWF: Dam Removal – More Space for Austria's Rivers and the TV report The Pegnitz becomes a "River Liberator Community" as a short film segment on dam removal followed. In the subsequent discussion, city councilor Susanne Bauer reported on the dam removal at the Pegnitz and Sigrun Lange, WWF, discussed the River Liberator competition and the river protection projects of the WWF office in Oberweilheim.
Following more short films, Antonio Rohrsen called for support of the Patagonia petition to stop bottom trawling in coastal areas. Theresa Schiller, WWF, talked about the international agenda for the protection of wetlands, rivers, and coasts.
Water Protection Forum 2023
Natural Water Management and Nature-Based Solutions – Thinking of the Landscape from the Perspective of Water
What is now widely discussed as the “Sponge City” concept in urban areas is still too seldom talked about regarding natural water retention in landscapes. In times of climate crisis, nature-based solutions, which offer ecological, social, and economic benefits and contribute to resilience at the landscape level, become necessary. However, such approaches have hardly been implemented on a large scale.
Aiming for a natural water balance is anchored as a goal in the German National Water Strategy, meaning strengthening water retention in ecosystems, mitigating the effects of floods and droughts, enhancing substance retention through wetlands, and utilizing cooling effects. What risks being overlooked in public discussion is the water needs of the ecosystems themselves. Without water, the functionality of the natural household cannot be guaranteed.
With the adoption of the National Water Strategy in March 2023, the federal government has set goals and measures for the coming years. A large part of these goals has already been included in the EU Water Framework Directive for 23 years. However, it has not yet been implemented. The situation regarding our water balance and the condition of our waters has partially worsened, especially due to the pronounced dry years since 2018.
More and more, the broad public debate is struggling with how we can ensure our water security despite the climate crisis and make the necessary changes in consumption patterns. The question arises as to which measures can sustainably help adapt to changed precipitation and temperature conditions and retain more water in the landscape.
For this, we want to discuss this year together with you and experts from science, water management, politics, and administration. To restore a healthy landscape water balance, which provides us with vital ecosystem services, nature-based solutions are needed.
The invitation can be found here.
The event will take place online. Please register at: https://www.nabu.de/gsf2023 by November 16, 2023, to attend the event.
The River Film Evening is supported by the European Open Rivers Programme.
Flussfilmfest an der Oder
Film- und Diskussionsabend im Rahmen des Oder-Festivals - ein Projekt von Global Water Dances
Ort: KuNaKu, Fliederweg 1, 16428 Oderberg
Choose your own ending: Restoring nature in Europe
Film screening and discussion on the EU Nature Restoration Law in the European Parliament in Brussels
Film selection provided by Living Rivers Foundation
Program and tickets
Help us with your signature, write to your MEP and support the EU Nature Restoration Law: #restorenature
When: Wednesday 24th of May, 18:00 - 20:00
Where: European Parliament, Room: SPINELLI 5G1
As part of the #RestoreNature Campaign, together with MEP Cesar Luena, MEP Maria Soraya Rodriguez Ramos and MEP Jutta Paulus, we invite you to attend the documentary screening and discussion on the Nature Restoration Law
The EU Nature Restoration Law proposal represents a huge opportunity to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises. Nature Restoration brings immense benefits for our health, wellbeing, community, can be our biggest ally in addressing and adapting to the climate crisis and also secure sustainable food and livelihoods.
The #RestoreNature Campaign, created by Birdlife Europe, the European Environmental Bureau, WWF, ClientEarth and joined by more than 200 NGOs, has the overarching objective of reaching the adoption of a strong Nature Restoration Law by the end of 2023, by demonstrating the benefits of nature restoration.
In the light of the current discussion around the Nature Restoration Law, join us for an exchange on the role of restoration in Europe and the impact that this law could bring in the EU.
Opening remarks will be delivered by MEP César Luena, MEP María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos and MEP Jutta Paulus.
There will be two sessions of documentary screening provided and introduced by Michael Bender from Living Rivers Foundation
The each sessions will be followed by a panel discussion with:
Jutta Paulus, Member of the European Parliament (The Greens)
Kris Decleer, Co-founder and member of Board of Directors of the ‘Society for Ecological Restoration Europe’
Ariel Brunner, Regional Director of Birdlife Europe and Central Asia
Sommer Ackermann, Environmental activist and projector coordinator at Luontoliitto (The Finnish Nature Association)
Luisa Samarelli, Deputy Head of Unit – Nature conservation DG Environment, European Commission
Carolyn Jewell, Biodiversity and Natural Resources Senior Manager, Environmental Social Governance (ESG) AKA – Global head of biodiversity for Heidelberg Materials
Closing remarks
Please note that the registration list for those who don't have a European Parliament badge has been closed.
Organised by
1st Main Riverfilmfest
1st Main River film fest in March 2023
In 2023, a river film festival is to take place on the Main for the very first time. And not just in one city, but in several cinemas along the course of the river from its source to its mouth. In this way, it will become clear that the Main River connects people over 500 km and is our common responsibility.
The 1st Main FlussFilmFest will be organised in March 2023 by Flussparadies Franken e.V. and Netzwerk Main in cooperation with the Living Rivers Foundation and other partners. It is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs. The opening will take place on 14 March, the International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life (World Dam Day) in Bayreuth. The final event will be a matinee in Frankfurt am Main on 26 March. An international selection of environmental and outdoor short films will be shown.
The events will take place on:
Tuesday, 14 March at franz & gloria– Bayreuth
Wednesday, 15 March at Neuen Filmbühne– Lichtenfels
Friday, 17 March at Odeon/Lichtspiel– Bamberg
Friday, 17 March at Roxy– Kitzingen
Saturday, 18 March at Central im Bürgerbräu– Würzburg
Saturday, 18 March at Film-Photo-Ton Museum Huttenschloss - Gemünden a.Main
Sunday, 19 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
Sunday, 19 March at KuK – Kino & Kneipe– Schweinfurt
Sunday, 19 March at Burg-Lichtspiele - Karlstadt
Monday, 20 March at Capitol Kino– Zeil a. Main
Thursday, 23 March at Movie im Luitpoldhaus– Marktheidenfeld
Thursday, 23 March at Filmklubb– Offenbach
Thursday, 23 March at Schloß-Theater - Miltenberg
Saturday, 25 March at Casino Filmtheater– Aschaffenburg
Sunday, 26 March at Harmonie– Frankfurt a. Main
Let's celebrate free rivers, clean water and freshwater life! More on the programs and locations coming soon at :
https://www.riverfilmfest.eu and www.netzwerkmain.de
The press release of the Main Flussfilmfest is available here (in German): Press Release - World Water Day
The press release (in German): Successful first Main Flussfilmfest
Become a river rescue activist:in - WWF Competition
Our rivers are sick! They are dyked, canalised, dammed and diverted - and thus can no longer fulfil their ecological functions.
The alarming condition of the rivers is caused, among other things, by countless barriers that prevent the transport of nutrients and "river construction material" and interrupt the vital migratory movements of many organisms. Many of these blockades are decades old and have long since fallen into disuse. Together with you, we want to remove these unnecessary barriers and allow the rivers to flow freely again.
The competition
With funds from the German Postcode Lottery, we are supporting three deconstructions of transverse structures throughout Germany as part of the "Living Rivers" project in 2023 and 2024. We will provide up to 30,000 euros for each restoration.
How can you access these funds? It's very simple!
All information can be found here: www.wwf.de/themen-projekte/projektregionen/fluesse-bayern/dam-removal/werden-sie-flussbefreier
You can watch the trailer of the competition here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfpAe2LHSKw
Movie evening: "Vjosa National Park – a new age of river protection?"
Movie evening: "Vjosa National Park – a new age of river protection?"
Thursday, November 03
7:30pm CET
Paneltalk & Movie Screening
In Albania and all around Europe citizens have raised their voices to protect Europe’s largest wild river—the Vjosa. This year Albania's government listened, and promised to establish a national park to protect the Vjosa forever.
We talk with Besjana Guri from EcoAlbania about the campaign success and the progress towards establishing the Vjosa National Park. Being a member of the national park working group in Albania we are excited to hear directly from her here in Berlin.
For additional impressions Matthias Leupold & Eric Berg present their short movie "In the Name of Vjosa". And Living Rivers Foundation shares insights on river conservation in Germany.
Details TBA
This event will be held in English.
We have limited capacities - please sign up under this link: https://vjosanationalpark.splashthat.com.
Patagonia Berlin
Münzstraße 10
10178 Berlin
Water Protection Forum of Environmental Organisations - Online
The challenges for water management are great: climate change, globalisation, the loss of biodiversity and the continued use of surface waters and groundwater require consistent and strategic action to avoid overexploitation of water resources and to ensure the important services of these ecosystems in the long term. In recent months, the management plans and programmes of measures for the third and thus decisive management cycle of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) have been published. However, the level of ambition of the present management plans does not reflect these challenges. Even the draft of the National Water Strategy does not make any concrete statements on the timely implementation of the WFD.
We want to discuss the current management planning with you at this year's Forum: How do we ensure future-oriented water management? Is the transparency approach pursued by some federal states in conformity with the WFD? What claims can be derived from the climate decision of the Federal Constitutional Court? What levers exist to advance the implementation of the WFD?
Further information: https://www.gewaesserschutzforum.de
The programme can be found here: https://www.wrrl-forum.de/programm2022
For registration: https://www.nabu.de/wir-ueber-uns/veranstaltungen/32226.html
Wildflüsse oder Wasserkraftwerke?
Film- und Diskussionsabend zum World Fish Migration Day 2022 bei Patagonia Berlin. Hauptfilm: “Was Fische wollen. Letzte Chance für den Tiroler Inn” von Christoph Walder. Diskussion mit Theresa Schiller (WWF), Dr. Ruben van Treeck (Institut für Binnenfischerei), Olaf Lindner (Deutscher Angelfischerverband) und Tobias Schäfer (WWF). Moderation: Michael Bender (Stiftung Living Rivers).
Michael Bender (Stiftung Living Rivers) Tobias Schäfer, (WWF Deutschland), Patagonia und flow:europe veranstalteten am 11. Mai 2022 im Patagonia Store Berlin einen FlussFilmabend im Rahmen des nächsten World Fish Migration Day (21. Mai 22).
Aufgeführt wurden vier Kurzfilme sowie der mehrfach ausgezeichnete Dokumentarfilm "Was Fische wollen. Letzte Chance für den Tiroler Inn." von Christoph Walder. Er zeigt die Ursachen und Hintergründe des dramatischen Niedergangs des Tiroler Inns und gibt den engagierten Fischern und Naturschützern eine Stimme, die für die Rückkehr der frei fließenden Flüsse kämpfen.
Ein Trailer ist hier verfügbar: https://vimeo.com/567821999.
Theresa Schiller (WWF Deutschland), Tobias Schäfer (WWF Deutschland), Dr. Ruben van Treeck (IfB: Institut für Binnenfischerei) und Olaf Lindner (DAFV: Deutschen Angelfischverband) diskutierten in dem begleitenden, von Michael Bender (Stiftung Living Rivers) moderierten Austausch mit dem interessierten Publikum über Wildflüsse, Wanderfische und Wasserkraft und beleuchteten das neue Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz, das derzeit im Bundestag diskutiert wird.
Postponed: Flussfilmfest Berlin
Event postponed to 2021 (tba)
How do you save what you love?
Join us for two evenings with films and discussions on free rivers, clean water and freshwater life!
2021 is an important year for biodiversity and water policies, in Europe as well as on the UN level. Along with an international selection of short and feature length films, we'll bring together scientists and environmental activists to present new perspectives on river conservation and how to take action.
Discussions with:
Luigi Marmanillo Carteriano, Marañón Waterkeeper
Thilo Papacek, CounterCurrent (GegenStrömung)
Vera Knook, The River Collective
Ruben van Treeck, Thomas Fuß and Lukas Thuile Bistarelli, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB Berlin)
Theresa Schiller, WWF Germany
Maureen Harris, International Rivers
Concept, curatorial work and moderation:
Tobias Schäfer and Michael Bender, flow : europe
Feature film on Friday, March 13:
“As the principle tributary of the Amazon, Río Marañón is environmentally significant on a global scale, and it will take an international effort to save it.” - Henry Worobec
Feature film on Saturday, March 14:
“I still believe it’s possible to save the things we love. Wild salmon will continue to show us how. If we let them.” - Mark Titus
Flussfilmfest Leipzig 2021
Wann ist ein Fluss ein Fluss?
Das Flussfilmfest kommt im September 2021 erstmals nach Leipzig, nach Stationen in München, Düsseldorf und Berlin. Wir präsentieren eine Dokumentation zum größten Staudammabrissprojekt der Welt am Elwha River an der US-Westküste sowie eine Auswahl von Kurzfilmen: Die Vjosa in Albanien und der Prypjat in Belarus treffen auf die Mulde bei Dessau und die Luppe in Leipzig.
Unser Anliegen: Inspiration und neue Einsichten, mit ernsthaften Diskussionen in einem ungezwungenen Format. Frei fließende und dynamische Flüsse gehören zu den artenreichsten Lebensräumen der Welt – und sind zugleich besonders stark von Zerstörung bedroht, durch Wasserkraftwerke und Staudämme, durch Wasserstraßenprojekte und Kanalisierung. Was macht das Wesen eines Flusses aus? Und was können wir gewinnen, wenn wir Flüssen (wieder) ihren Lauf lassen?
Als fachkundige Diskussionspartner sind das Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ), der WWF Deutschland und der deutsche Kanuverband an Bord. Das Flussfilmfest ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe von flow : europe e.V. und Stiftung Living Rivers.
Free-Flowing Rivers for Europe - Online River Film Sessions at the EU Green Week 2020
Please join us for two online film sessions with an expert discussion on the prospects of a growing network of strictly protected rivers across Europe ‑ healthy, dynamic and free-flowing.
Session 1 (16:30-17:30): Keep the Wild Wild!
Session 2 (17:45-18:45): The Dam Removal Challenge
Free-flowing rivers and their floodplains are known to be among of the most biodiverse habitats on the planet. Yet, as rivers are threatened around the globe, freshwater biodiversity is in dramatic globally, Europe being no exception. With the new EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, protecting and restoring freshwater ecosystems is finally becoming an even biggger priority.
Protecting the pathways rivers create, and allowing the river to renew itself: This is what river conservation is all about. What does it take to defend the last wild rivers against new hydropower or inland navigation projects, and be more ambitious when it comes to taking down barriers and dams?
The evening will present a number of short films about outstanding rivers in Europe as well as two inspiring examples from the US: The Wild and Scenic Rivers concept, and the stunning dam removals on the Elwha river.
The event is hosted by the European Commission in partnership with the European Environmental Bureau (EEB).
Students for Rivers Camp 2020 – Online River Film Night
Join us for an online film night on free-flowing rivers, dam revmoval and freshwater life!
Please register at www.rivercollective.org/src_movienights/
See also our section film of the month

Flussfilmfest Düsseldorf 2020
Flussfilmfest Düsseldorf 2020
in cooperation with Planungsbüro Koenzen - Wasser und Landschaft
Theresa Schiller (WWF Germany)
Dr. Mario Sommerhäuser (Emschergenossenschaft/Lippeverband)
Dr. Svenja Storm (Landesfischereiverband Westfalen und Lippe)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Hering (University Duisburg-Essen)

Berlin, Germany
Ein Film- und Diskussionsabend über freie Flüsse, wilde Fische und Plastiksuppe

Munich, Germany
Flussfilmfest München 2019
in cooperation with WWF Germany (Projekt Alpenflusslandschaften)
Topics of the three session:
# Alpine Rivers in Bavaria
# Balkan Rivers
# 50 years of Wild and Scenic Rivers in the US and the protection of free rivers in Europe
On the panels:
Walter Binder (Living Rivers Foundation)
Roland Kriegsch (Wasserwirtschaftsamt Weilheim)
Kristof Reuther (Filmmaker & Isarfischer)
Stefan Schmidt (Bayerischer Kanuverband)
Birgit Grossmann (Patagonia)
Olaf Obsommer (whitewater kayaker)
Jürgen Eichinger (Filmmaker)
Gregor Overhoff (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz)
Albert Göttle (Landesfischereiverband Bayern)
Roberto Epple (European River Network)
Seon Crockford-Laserer (Packraft Europe)
Gabriel Singer (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries)

Szczecin, Poland
Round Table on the Oder Delta
in cooperation with in cooperation with Koalicja Ratujmy Rzeki –
Save the Rivers Coalition Poland
# Flood risk management in the lower Oder region
# Nature tourism in the Oder Delta
# Conservation of a free-flowing river, its floodplains and delta

Helsinki, Finland
River Film Fest Helsinki 2018
Forever free and flowing
A film evening on free rivers and migratory fish
in cooperation with the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation
# Protection of the last wild rivers
# Dam removal and river restoration
# Future of the EU’s water policy
Prof. Hannu Lehtonen (University of Helsinki, Prof. emer. Ecosystems and Environamental Research)
Markku Marttinen (Finnish Federation of Recreational Fishing, Executive Director)
Olli Sivonen (WWF Finland, Fisheries Officer)
Moderator: Tapani Veistola (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation, Senior Advisor)
Panel discussion summary